Block Therapy
If you are in pain physically or emotionally then Block Therapy may be the missing link in getting out of pain.
Block therapy works with the body’s fascia, which is sometimes referred to as connective tissue. Your fascia is the communication highway between every cell, muscle and organ and bone in your body.
If Fascia Is open and free the body is in good health, however, challenges arise when the fascia compresses leaving your body feeling stiff, painful and tense.
Gravity, injury, surgery, unconscious posture, incorrect breathing and emotional issues are the main reasons adhesions develop in the fascia which ultimately wind the body down.
The great news is you can decompress your fascia to bring the body back to being more healthy and aligned. When your cells are positioned in the right place there is nothing blocking flow.
Block Therapy is designed to undo this negative cycle of compression and re-establish balance, posture and reduce or eliminate pain in your body.
Posture Assessment & Treatment
Poor posture can be the result of injury, surgery, repetitive actions, poor breathing or emotional issues.
In your posture assessment session we will work to understand the cause of your postural issues and pain and use a range of techniques and exercises to release your holding pattern, free scar tissue, improve your breathing and improve functional movement.
People are unique as is the approach to your treatment. Our goal is to get you out of pain and moving well to enable you to do the things you enjoy.
Sessions are 90 minutes
Medical Meridian Massage
An exclusive deep tissue Acupressure Medical Massage that involves stimulation of the meridian (energy) channels and helps unblock obstructed Qi.
There are 12 major meridians in the body;
Large intestine
Small intestine
Metabolism or Triple Warmer
Meridian massage can be used to treat a variety of conditions from acute injuries to muscular skeletal pain to chronic insomnia.
Benefits you can expect are:
* Improved immunity due to enhanced lymph flow
* Better cardiovascular health
* Hormone regulation for weight management, fertility and *Mood enhancement
* Improved organ function
* ncreased energy
* Reduced digestive discomfort
* Improved mental wellness
* Assisting recovery form disease
* Helps protect Wei Qi (defensive Qi) which regulated the opening and closing of the skins pores
This is a very powerful treatment.
Sessions are 2 hours (or 90min excluding the face)
Facial Rejuvenation
The goal of facial rejuvenation is to give the human face a more youthful appearance.
It is possible to achieve facial rejuvenation by non-surgical methods.
The non-surgical techniques I use, can address issues such as wrinkles, hooded eyes, skin laxity, hyperpigmentation, rough skin, skin congestion, sagging jawlines, sagging cheeks and dull complexions.
This treatment involves work to release the fascial adhesions, working from the chest and neck up to the forehead. It allows the congested tissue in your face to be evenly spread out resulting in plumper looking skin, lifted jawline, lifted and plumper cheeks and lifted eyes and brows.
It clears skin congestion for the face and neck leaving you looking rejuvenated .
Three Treasures Acupuncture Facial
The Three Treasures Facial Acupuncture Treatment enhances your inherent beauty, brightens your skin, and supports overall well-being by fusing the age-old wisdom of Traditional Chinese Medicine with the potency of acupuncture.
Through the insertion of extremely tiny needles into particular facial sites, facial acupuncture seeks to promote and rebuild the underlying skin matrix. The procedure is typically painless and calming for most patients.
In order to promote a more youthful and refreshed appearance, treatments strive to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, lift, tone, and increase firmness in the skin. They also stimulate the creation of collagen, elastin and blood flow.
In order to activate and strengthen the body's inherent healing abilities and promote homeostasis, I will take into account the client's general well-being while administering needles to constitutional sites on your body. The basis of holistic medicine is the body-mind continuum, which is used to treat and assess the body and mind simultaneously.
This treatment is offered as two separate facial acupuncture therapies. They are both over the course of 60 minutes which involves a release of fascial facial adhesions in the skin resulting in a winding back the hand of time.
The treatment consists of a consultation, facial point acupuncture, face cleansing, face massage, abdomen massage and a Gua Sha treatment.
Had a lovely full body meridian massage. Felt completely relaxed, have slept better and had reduced pain in my back.
M Clark, Client